UNIT5 - Progress in the electro-chemical industry
- keeping sustainability in mind

U5 (UNIT5) is a German / Swiss network of OEM developers. Most of the members have been devoting their time and energy to the field of battery management for decades. Since passive battery management systems have many huge disadvantages.

This technological idea – equalizing strong cells to weak cells with resistors – has led to a ‘heat dilemma’. To increase efficiency of passive battery management system, stronger resistors were used, which led to a higher heat building-up problem.

Moreover, these battery management systems only worked during the topping phases, which could last several nights. During operations, these management systems only rely on measurements; an intervention was and still is not possible. Even today, most battery management systems run on this technology.

The U5 Active BMS eliminates this shortfall and opens up new perspectives
towards more powerful and more efficient storage systems.

Press Review, Neue Züricher Zeitung vom 9.11.2017


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